Among different joint problems a very common one these days is rheumatoid arthritis and this medical condition has made it very difficult for the people who are affected to lead a normal life.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a prevailing condition these days among people above 30’s, it causes a serious difficulty in movement and doing away with daily chores. Rheumatoid arthritis is a common disease which takes place when there is an inflammation in the joints. This happens because of the wrong response of immune system which leads to cause the tissues to get damaged.

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms (i)

Every disease is associated with some or the other symptoms and when it comes to looking forward to the rheumatoid arthritis signs the few commonly observed conditions may comprise of the following:

  • People suffering from rheumatoid arthritis may develop bruises on their body and this happens because of the loss of platelets due to autoimmune response and this could one of the alarming symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis may also be accompanied by shortness of breath, pain in joints and also extreme fatigue.
  • Redness and inflamed patches may be experienced on the joints along with swelling and numbness on the affected part.
  • The nerves and tingling feeling may be experienced by the patents which suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.

Causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Like every medical condition rheumatoid arthritis is also associated with some or the other reasons, the rheumatoid arthritis causes may comprise of the following as witnessed among most of the patients:

  • Age factor is one of the prime reasons which causes rheumatoid arthritis and people who are in the age bracket of 40 – 60 may lead to suffer from this kind of disease.
  • Women usually fall victim of this condition and they suffer more than men.
  • People who are overweight are usually the ones who are at risk when it comes to looking forward to this condition.
  • Other things like lack of proper diet, smoking habit and environmental factors also count a lot in the case of developing this condition and people end up suffering in the longer runs.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Symptoms are the most active indicators of any medical condition but still cannot dominate the importance of diagnosis made by doctors. In order to diagnose the arthritis and doctors may perform blood tests, scans, x-rays and other checkups which help them identify if the presence of the disease.

On the other hand after diagnosis the next best step to offer a patient is the treatment options, the different treatment options offered by the doctors in order to treat rheumatoid arthritis. A few such options may comprise of medications, physiotherapy, and in worst cases surgery are the options recommended mostly by the doctors when it comes to rheumatoid arthritis treatment.

Natural Treatments to Deal with Rheumatoid Arthritis (ii)

Every disease has a way out of being treated using medications but on the other hand another thing which people most of the time opt for are natural treatments which have no side effect and are considered to be much impactful.

  • Having an exercise routine is a very beneficial remedy to treat rheumatoid arthritis, the inflammation caused release a bit and the joints are relaxed therefore it helps in getting rid of the pain and discomfort.
  • Massaging is also one of a very suitable remedy to treat the condition of rheumatoid arthritis and people have seen some proven benefits of getting their condition get better over the period of time by regular massaging sessions.
  • Applying hot and cold packs is also one such approach that leads to reduce the impact of rheumatoid arthritis on the joints by soothing them in a better way.
  • Meditation and yoga are known to reduce the stress on mind and body and hence also reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Weight loss helps a lot in getting rid of all kinds of joint problems because it reduces the pressure on the lower body and the joints and hence the condition gets better over the period of time so it offers to be a better approach overall.

Eating Habits to Change In Rheumatoid Arthritis

When it comes to suffering from rheumatoid arthritis it is suggested to being about certain changes in your diet which also help a lot in dealing with the disease in a better way and a few such food items which a patients must avoid taking in comprise of the following:

  • Foods which are fried and rich in fat must be avoided so that no inflammation takes place in your body and also fried foods are responsible for weight gain which must be avoided on all costs.
  • Stay away from all the sugary desserts and carbonated drinks when suffering from rheumatoid arthritis as all these have a very negating impact on your health.
  • Control on full fat dairy products, you must consumer milk because you need calcium but make sure it is not full fat and also your consumption must be controlled.
  • Excessive salt usage is one of a very common reason of leading to numerous health problems and people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis must also be careful about the salt consumption.
  • Quit on your habits of smiling and drinking alcohol as both of them are highly responsible to make the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis worst.

Suffering from a disease is something not under control of a person whereas controlling the disease is, therefore in case of rheumatoid arthritis as well people should be able to exercise some caution and make sure to take your medicines on time and practice exercise and the other prescribed care. This is one such condition that if worsens may cause lifelong disability in the body and to avoid that proper care and timely treatment is a must so that you may save yourself from all the risks that come together and may cause a hassle for you in the longer run.